Calgary Comic Con 2012 may have been a horrifyingly crowded debacle, but it was one of the best times I've had all year.
As the Nerd Rock band Kirby Krackle would have it: comic conventions are like "going home to the the place where wild nerds roam".
I got to spend three days in the company of my intrepid companion Anthony, observing and interacting in the glorious dance of geek passion. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
How cool to hear Stan 'The Man' Lee regale a stadium with his anecdotes while interviewed by celebrity fanboy Garrett Wang? What a terrifying feat to speak to my writer hero Peter David long enough not to embarrass myself and attain his autograph! What a scream to see the voice talent behind some of my favourite cartoons (Billy West, John DeMaggio, Tara Strong, and Monica Riel).
Some mild disappointments (hours in line for a horror movie that failed to arrive, nearly getting locked out for daring to go to lunch, that sort of thing) more than overwhelmed by treats to acquire (Star Trek and Legion of Superheros comics, three CDs from the aforementioned Kirby Krackle, what have you), sights to see (clever costumes and fandom heroes) and a chance to perform and entertain once again.
Many, many thanks to the dynamic duo of Mark Nguyen and Kathleen Boucher for making me a part of their behind-the-scenes volunteer experience during the costume contest. Mark was a scintillating host for that event. Kathleen's writing brought the Geeks Vs. Nerds event to life like a mad scientists' lightning in an improvisation battle between the riotous jesters of the 404's and the Improv League of Improvisers (and celebrity guests).
Thanks to them and to all the 404s for letting me sit in on the 'Stump The Nerds' panel. Available on youtube for your slacking off at work (or otherwhere) pleasure.
Ninth House, by Leigh Bardugo
5 years ago